
What other clients have said about working together …..

 “I suffered with severe constipation, bloating and digestion struggles for years – having had a history of slow digestive transit, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and gluten intolerance. My skin had really started to suffer too and I was fed up of the constipation and bloating.

The consultations helped me understand the best foods to eat and avoid in my situation …in a way that is do-able and realistic without cutting out all the fun!! Virginia had excellent suggestions for alternative foods and recipes to try.

My constipation & bloating have significantly improved since my first consultation.

Virginia is amazingly understanding, supportive, helpful, and incredibly knowledgeable about all things related to diet, nutrition and digestion!  She is extremely caring and offers very helpful advice in a way that is down to earth, sensitive, sensible and not too unrealistic either.  She is clearly very passionate about nutrition and the importance of a good diet for a healthy and well balanced life.

I would highly recommend her to anyone I know, as well as others I don’t.”

— Emily, 37, Netherlands

“Virginia has a very sympathetic manner – her sessions were really interesting and informative.”

— Francesca, 67, Yorkshire



“I was exhausted and run down, with very little energy before my first consultation.

I learnt a lot about myself and my health during our consultations.  I thought I knew how to eat relatively healthily, but Virginia taught me how to change my diet accordingly; giving me expert advice on what I should be eating to sustain my energy and give my body the nutrients it needed. We worked on a plan together to suit my busy lifestyle and Virginia gave me lots of tips and suggestions for what to eat and which brands to buy. 

Virginia gave me sensitive and invaluable advice on what I should be eating; which was totally different to what I thought I needed!  Her meal plans and food tips were brilliant and easy to follow, so that I could work them into my daily routine.

As soon as I adopted the eating plan, my energy levels instantly improved and I started to feel better. It also made me reflect on where I was and realise that I needed to pay more attention to myself.”

— Mary, 46, Berkshire



“I saw Virginia for digestive issues that were not settling & I was reluctant to continue with further prescribed medications that were treating my symptoms but not preventing them from reoccurring. It was the BEST decision!

Virginia recommended testing (that was reasonably priced) & combined with her excellent knowledge, she was able to explain why my symptoms were happening: after following her targeted advice I have had no further problems & am so grateful. At every step Virginia explained everything clearly & extensively. She has a very kind & reassuring manner & every question asked was listened to and answered.

I thought my previous diet was quite healthy & wasn’t sure any changes would make such a significant difference – I cannot recommend Virginia more highly.”

— Claire, 49, Kent

““Try Virginia before you reach for pills or think that how you feel cannot be changed by nutrition.”.”

— Claire, Kent & London






Let me help you bring the colour & energy back into your life, by working together & taking a step-by-step approach to your food & health, tailored to your needs.